Singles Cruise
David Cruise invites you to embark on the very first Kosher Cruise for Jewish Singles!
In a festive and relaxed atmosphere, get ready to meet great people and share unforgettable moments. For a week, you will have the opportunity to discover exciting relationships.
With the support of a Rav, a Rabbanite and a life coach, this cruise will take place in a private and luxurious setting,
while respecting our precious Jewish values.
Don't miss this unique experience!

The Cruise
Our Mediterranean Singles cruise is the perfect opportunity to experience incredible moments and to meet beautiful and serious people.
Discover the treasures of the Mediterranean.
Some pearls from Rav Yossef Haïm Sitruk Z"l on the couple:
The real problem with marriage...is that we love ourselves too much to be able to love anyone else.
"Am I ready to love her for her, for who she is?"
If everyone in the couple says the same thing, everything is transformed.
The purest love is called in Hebrew: 'Hessed, a love without hope of return.
The word love in Hebrew is: "Ahava" which comes from the root: "Hav", which means: "to give", to love is to give.
It is because we have given that we love.
We do not give to those we love, we love those to whom we have given.
Our Sages teach: "If you want to love someone, give to them and give to them again." That is the recipe for love!
The gift will be the passage of this love at first sight, of this illusion of happiness of the first times, into a concretization.
Being a couple is not living together, it is achieving something together.
To fulfill the other is the goal of the couple.
To love oneself is not to be in need, it is to ask oneself if there is not someone who lacks something.
Marriage is the ultimate act of generosity.
When we allow the other to exist, then we also allow G-d to exist within this couple!
We thank all our sponsors and partners who helped us set up this magnificent Hessed project.
They will also have made it possible to realize the dream of several single people who will be able, with the help of HaShem, to go under a huppah, bekarov! Amen.